Indeed. Why is this blog even here?
Another blogger once commented;
"I then went to bourbon boy’s site, known as HALLWATCH. This site is dedicated to shitting on Iain Hall!!! I thought this a bit strange as Hall is not a major media figure exactly, he’s a bloke who blogs." - Adrien, February 2006.
True. Iain is not a major media figure. He's not a leading journalist. He's not a spokesperson for any particular group. He speaks for nobody but himself and at least at first, nobody knew who the hell he was.
But then, nobody knew who Chris Crocker was at one point. Not that Iain has half the celebrity, but the point can be made that when someone acts up enough on the net, that as banal as it may sound there is some justification for a laugh at their expense.
Even then though, it can all get a bit much simply relying on laughs for a justification to blog. Blogging about Iain is no exception.
"Folks I reckon the time for Hallwatch is just about at an end, every time I log on to Iain Halls shitty blogs these days I just get the impression that he has become an empty headed piss-ant who spends his blogging days copying and pasting slabs of crap from either his mate KG or a few news sites." - Bourbon Boy, January 15, 2007.
Well, Iain hasn't been entirely inactive of late. He's recently reactivated "Being Nice" and has tried his hand at baiting Mikey. It's not like there isn't material for Bourbon Boy to work with. Indeed, even Iain's recently uninspired writing (uninspired I suggest because his targets of choice are ignoring him of late) is itself fodder for ridicule.
I think Bourbon Boy's problem stems from the fact that ridicule as a motive can only carry you so far.
But that isn't what this blog is about. This blog isn't here to poke fun at Iain Hall like HALLWATCH. This blog isn't here to make anyone laugh.
No. Quoting the first post on this blog...
"This blog serves as a warning. A warning of what you may experience if you are open with Iain Hall. A warning of what he may target you with if you let him in. This blog asks, is Iain Hall a "respectable conservative" or simply a dangerous psychopath?"
This blog is here for when Iain either tricks otherwise sensible people to be pals with him and either accept his distorted version of history (if they are silly enough to show an interest), part-thereof, or more importantly to help any new victim Iain may target.
I want people, if they witness Iain peddling his distorted history, to come to this blog and see what he's not letting them know about.
I want people to be safe. Talking online can lead to stalking online and Iain's online activities are proof of that. This blog is a safety kit.
- Deepthroat