" I find her [Vicky Kasidis] posts somewhat charming and amusing..." - Iain Hall, May 22, 2007
"Post specifically focusing on “Mikey Capital” are password protected pursuant to my truce agreement with that blogger." - Iain Hall, November 29, 2007.
Iain has talked about his truce on more than one occasion. The precise details aren't public, but do you think that they allow this?
"It would be extremely tedious to document 50 leftards who hold Hicksy in high enough regard for that to characterised as “heroic” but in this context my definition is rather broad and includes any leftard like Like Mikey Capital who gets very legalistic about how what hicks did was “not illegal at the time” Or gushing Leftards Like Vicky Kasadies (Miss politics) who has written several very sympathetic posts about Davo..." - Iain Hall, January 1, 2008.
Despite this supposed "truce", Iain is still trying to provoke people into being his stalkee.
- Deepthroat