Who am I writing under the pseudonym Deepthroat?
This will become a topical question if and when Iain eventually picks up on this site.
Is it cowardice to write behind a pseudonym? It depends on the circumstance. It can be cowardice.
A pseudonym can be used to hide behind while slandering others. Despite his claims that it is inherently cowardly, Iain himself hid behind the name "Niceperson" during his earliest attacks on Jeremy Sear in 2005.
What did Iain have to fear from Jeremy Sear? Well. Nothing. Say what you want about Jeremy's character or temper, he's not going to try to violate others online.
Iain isn't the same.
Iain's online activities include provocatively alluding to the possibility of identity theft (complete with the publication of the necessary personal details) against The Editor from GrodsCorp. Iain's online activities involve the publication of the details of Jeremy Sear's employment. Iain's online activities involve thinly veiled (albeit impotent) threats against the employment of Mikey Capital.
Keeping personal details away from the likes of Iain Hall isn't cowardice. It's just plain, sensible, safe Internet use.
But that doesn't really answer the question of who I am. You may want some background information to get an idea of my biases.
I'll now answer a few questions of my own selection. Sorry, but I want to keep this safe.
Q: Is Deepthroat a pre-existing blogger?
A: Yes I am. However one of my previous blogs is long since deleted and the other I can't access because I lost the password.
Q: How long has Deepthroat been blogging?
A: I have blogged on and off (and this blog itself will be on and off) since 2005.
Q: Does Deepthroat enjoy reading the bloggers that Iain targets (does Deepthroat have an axe to grind)?
A: For the most part yes. I enjoy and am content to read most of them. I have even been known to try and emulate the style of one or two of them. I'm sure I'll be accused of being one (or more) of them in future.
But I don't like all of them. Vicky Kasidis (whom Iain portrays as a "Leftard" and a pornographer) may be a nice person, but I'm not interested in her personally or her more personal stories. In particular I find her political writing to be riddled with prejudice, name calling, naiveté, sanctimony and poor arguments. I think that other bloggers have been too charitable to her political writing, either in chiming in or ignoring her follies. But this has nothing to do with the reason this blog exists or why she is mentioned.
Q: Has Deepthroat had contact with any of the bloggers Iain has targetted or engaged in flame wars with?
A: Yes. You will get no more than that. My inbox is private.
Q: Is Deepthroat popularly associated with the groups that Iain targets or provokes?
A: I don't think so.
Q: Does Deepthroat respect Iain Hall.
A: No. I honestly think he is pathetic. His transgressions against other people are obvious as is the fact that he has problems. This by itself is not why I lack respect for him. If he would put his ego on the bench for a while to admit and get help with his problematic antics, instead of trying to save face and foist his problem onto others, things would be different. It is this egocentricity, thoughtlessness and blatant disregard for his responsibility for his own actions that in my opinion, is beneath any properly developed adult.
Q: Is Deepthroat a "leftard"?
A: If I were to think about it for a second or two more than I do, I'd have to say that I'm centrist. But these things are more complex than that so I don't focus on it. Oversimplifications don't merit such consideration.
Q: Is Deepthroat a man or a woman?
A: I'm not telling you that. I don't think it reflects on the content that I write here. I'm pro-feminist in as far as equal-rights goes if that helps. I know that sometimes people do think that it does. I'm equally capable of writing this blog as any man or woman!
Q: Is Deepthroat going to answer any more questions about themselves?
A: No. Unless by accident. This Q&A session has ended. From this point on, I'm going to (continue to) randomly mimic traits of other bloggers to help mask my identity.
Later Hons,
- Deepthroat