As time moves on and a liar makes more and more deceptive claims, his or her chance of stuffing up increases. They have more and more chances to contradict themselves.
When the liar is a liar who gets themselves into a bit of a lather, when either they get angry or engage in to much triumphalism, they can get careless. That's often when they make their worst mistakes.
Take Iain's documentation of his exchange with Bourbon Boy who offered Iain a truce.
"Iain, delete Being Nice and FWC and I will delete Hallwatch. You have my word on this, if you take those blogs off the Net then I will take this one off as well. The time has come to lay down my weapons but you must show yourself as willing to do the same." - Bourbon Boy, October 2, 2007. (My emphasis on "Being Nice" - the title of one of Iain's blogs.)
One couldn't have expected this to work out. Maybe it could have, but parties more dedicated to resolution have tried before and failed. You can't fault Iain for not accepting.
So what was Iain's response?
"Now as I have already removed the blogs that you nominated from public view and as a mark of your newfound "good faith" I expect you to delete this pile of drivel immediately." - Iain Hall, October 2, 2007.
And perhaps Iain is right to demand this. He probably is.
"Iain Hall would never move goal posts. Hypocrisy, thy name is Iain Hall." - Janine Aussie, October 2, 2007.
Janine links to "Being Nice" at Wordpress which at that time had only just moved from Blogger, where as Iain says, it was removed from public view. Soon after her comment, the Wordpress version of "Being Nice" also became obscured from public viewing.
I think it fair to give Iain the benefit of the doubt on this count. He'd only just changed hosts and these things have hick-ups.
So what am I on about with the bits about liars and accumulation of contradictions? Well Iain has documented the above conversation. One part in particular stands out.
"Now as I have already removed the blogs that you nominated from public view and as a mark of your newfound “good faith” I expect you to delete this pile of drivel immediately." - Iain Hall, Date Unknown, 2007. (My emphasis on the claim I want to discuss.)
Iain claims to have removed Being Nice (one of the blogs that Bourbon Boy nominated) from public view as of October 2007.
One has to ask where and when he repeated this claim in his documentation of the dispute. Not an obvious inquiry, but one that will become obviously important.
Firstly, in contradiction to the date of February the 10th 2007 given to the post reproducing Iain's truce discussions with Bourbon Boy, the original discussion occurred in early October of the same year. The date of reproduction is wrong.
Dates of publication can be fabricated on Wordpress blogs, and they can accidentally be mangled. It's suss, but it doesn't prove anything. What is important is that the post is viewable now, today, on the 19th of January, 2008 well after the original discussion.
It is viewable and open to the public after Iain made the claim that he had removed them from public view. Which brings us to where this reproduction is posted.
The whole discussion can again be found here. AT "BEING NICE"!
On "Being Nice" in 2008, Iain Hall can be seen to carelessly repeat his prior claim to have removed "Being Nice" from public view. Whoops!
When someone is trying to mislead an audience, a persistent audience with memory, and when they keep trying to revise over the "facts" to mislead people (incidentally as psychopaths are known to do), the chance of self-contradiction increases. The more fibs and half-truths they have to keep track of.
The more Iain dissembles, the more likely he is to trip himself up.
- Deepthroat